Oakmont, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Oakmont City, CA. This information is important for planning your visit to this beautiful city. You can use it to discover more about the area or to compare it to other nearby communities. You can also look for cities that are within 100 miles of Oakmont. Listed below are some of them. If you're curious, check out the following table.

Property crime rates in Oakmont City vary widely. In general, the northwest portion is considered safer than the northeast. However, if you're interested in the number of crimes per 1,000 residents, you should check out the map above. If you live in a neighborhood near a park or a major airport, you'll notice that the crime rate is significantly higher there. However, these numbers are misleading because crimes tend to occur where people are most likely to commit them.

The median household income in Oakmont is $41,957. This means that the median household income in Oakmont is $42,152 while that of the average Pennsylvanian is $32,721. This is a borough with a relatively low poverty rate: 5.3%. The median gross rent is $899. While the town has been known for its Republican tendencies, the population has become increasingly well educated and polarized.