Lyndora, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Lyndora City? It is a census-designated place in Butler County, Pennsylvania. You can learn more about its population and other statistics by exploring its official website. Also, read on to learn about the history of the city. You'll find it interesting. It's an area in Butler County that's characterized by a quaint downtown.

When calculating the crime rate per person, keep in mind that there are different ways to calculate crime in the city. The central part of Lyndora is generally more populated, so the crime rate may be higher than it actually is. Also, retail districts usually have few residents, so a higher crime rate in this area is not necessarily indicative of a dangerous neighborhood. While the central area of Lyndora is a good place for shopping, the crime rate may not be as high as in other areas.

The crime rate in the central and southeast parts of the city varies considerably from other areas. If you live near a park or an airport, the risk of being a victim of a crime is about one in eighty-seven. If you live in the central part of the city, the crime rate is one in 87. This may seem low, but it's important to remember that crime rates are correlated with where people are.