The Plains, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of the city of The Plains is diverse. There were approximately 20,921 households, of which 26.9% of the population was under the age of 18 years. Another 7.5% were adults aged 25 to 44. Another 15.2% of the population was 65 years and older. The median age was 38 years, and there were 89.8 males for every one female householder. The median income for the city was $88,048.

The region has experienced a gradual warming, with an increase of 1 or 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the early 20th century. The largest percentage of warming has occurred during winter months. It is important to note that the average population of the city has remained fairly constant since the 1970s, despite the rise of the suburban population. But the trend toward suburbanization hasn't stopped. Even in The Plains City, there have been some notable exceptions.

As the number of automobiles increased, gathering in the street became dangerous. Children were playing in front of their homes, and the front porch culture had spread to the neighboring roads. However, mounting vehicular traffic was threatening the street's role as a social gathering space. Instead of gathering on the sidewalks, pedestrian activity on the street was restricted to pedestrian precincts, pedestrian paths, and shopping malls.