Swords Creek, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the population and steets of Swords Creek City, Maryland, you've come to the right place. If you've been looking for a place to live, you've probably heard about the population and steets of this area. While you might be tempted to stay away, Swords Creek has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Its comparatively low crime rate makes it an ideal place to live.

To make an informed decision about living in Swords Creek, it's important to look at school enrollment. This information includes private and public school enrollment. Knowing how many children attend each school will help you make decisions about the quality of their environment and how competitive their job market is. Swords Creek's school enrollment is 6,333 total students, including elementary, middle, and high school. Of these, there were nine hundred and ten students in colleges.

Swords Creek has a total of 2,407 residents. Of this, 1,165 are males and 1,242 are females. Males are slightly older than females, with a median age of 38.7. A little over 304 people die each year. Population breakdown is different each year, but the current breakdown shows that there are 2,395 residents of one race and 385 of another race. The rest are of the 12 races.