Spring Grove, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Springgrove City, IL are important to know. The poverty rate is 0.00% for Whites and 1.48% for Blacks, while the poverty rate for all residents is 2.45%. The most common age group to be below the poverty line is 45-54 years old. The most common occupations are Office & Administrative Support Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Hospitality / Food Service Occupations.

The population of the city was spread out with 25.8% of the population under age 18. Forty-six percent of the residents were between the ages of 18-24. Twenty-four percent were between 25-44 years old and thirty-one percent were 65 years of age or older. A full half of the population lived with their parents. There was a male-female ratio of 86.6:53.

The median household income in Spring Grove, IL is $123,150. This is significantly more than the $65,712 national average. Spring Grove, IL has a population of approximately 3.15k people. Its median household income is $123,150, and the median age is 44.2. Its median household income is $123,150. The majority of residents in Spring Grove, IL commute by car and own two vehicles. Its median household income is $123,150.

In the 1770s, a forge was established near the town. The location was good for iron ore, but it also provided wood for charcoal. Eventually, this community grew. In 1876, the forge at Spring Grove was named after William McConnell. The first iron industry west of the Susquehanna River employed German woodchoppers. Today, Spring Grove City is a thriving industrial town.