Sandy Level, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sandy Level, Virginia, United States has a population of 491 people. These residents are 50 percent male and fifty percent female. The median age of these residents is 46. About half of the residents live in families, with twenty-five percent consisting of single-female families and thirty-two percent being married couples. The average household size is 2.22 people, and the average family size is three.

The median time to work in Sandy Level, VA is 15 minutes. This is less than half of the average time spent by Americans. In fact, 47.3% of Sandy Level, VA residents commute in 15 minutes or less. This means that the average person in Sandy Level, VA spends about half as much time on the road as an average American. This means that the median time to work in Sandy Level, VA is shorter than the national average.

This Virginia city is home to a large number of Vietnam veterans. Males earn $68,617 annually, whereas females make $28,237. Sandy Level, VA has a low rate of income inequality. As a result, the population of Sandy Level, VA is 167. The Sandy Level economy employs 95 people, twenty-one of whom are employed in manufacturing. Another two percent work in accommodation and food services.

In 2010, the US Census Bureau released data for the United States. Those files are useful in identifying the demographic composition of a city. The US Gazetteer has the 2010 and 1990 Census data available for Sandy Level City. You can use these data to make your own analysis of the area. While the population numbers in Sandy Level are not necessarily the most comprehensive, they do provide some valuable insight into the lives of the citizens of the city.