North, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering what the Population & Steets of North City are like. The population of North City is highly diverse. While English is the most commonly spoken language, other important languages spoken are Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Each ethnic group has its own culture, which is expressed by various cultural traditions. Neighborhoods with different ethnicities will display these differences in their communities. For example, the North End of Boston is known for its Italian food, while Chinatown is known for its Chinese restaurants.

In North City, IL, the majority of the population lives in households with two cars. There are 227 households per ward, with the largest share of households owning two or three vehicles. The majority of North City residents commute to work by car, with 22.7 minutes of driving time on average. Those working in retail or service industries make up the largest share of jobs in the city. In addition, there are about 27 people working in the Manufacturing Industry.

This growth is primarily due to upzoning. Upzoning creates space for more residents and workers, and is one way to boost a community's economy. However, the population of this subarea is below the growth rates of the entire city and region. The growth rates have barely kept up with the target of 200 new housing units a year, while jobs/employment growth is well below the desired range.