Mineral, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Mineral-City? We've got the facts for you! Mineral City has a population of 679 residents and a median household income of $46,806 - a good place to start your research! You can also find out if Mineral City has a high poverty rate or not. You'll find the information about the median income and the percentage of renters in Mineral City in the table below.

As a resource-rich area, Mineral City has seen an incredible human migration. As the mines and oil fields decline, so do the towns. As a result, people move out. These people are resettling in other areas. Many have found work in ranching, farming, and tourism, but they are leaving the town because the mining industry has failed to produce any economic benefits. This is an ongoing story.

The Baker Hotel closed in 1972 and has been a symbol of the town's economic struggles for 47 years. Today, though, a group of energized business leaders is rallying behind the hotel to transform it into upscale apartments. The hotels will be used for short-term rentals once tourism takes off. The owner said he expects 150 investors by the time the hotel reopens fully in December 2020.