Linville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering where Linville, North Carolina stands when it comes to crime rates, you're not alone. Despite the relatively low number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents, Linville has more violent crime than the national average. However, don't worry - it's not always that violent crimes are concentrated in the most dangerous areas. Here is a breakdown of violent crime rates in Linville City.

Linville, NC is a town located in Avery County, North Carolina. It was founded in 1883 and designed by Samuel T. Kelsey. The Linville community was named for the Linville brothers, who were killed by the Cherokees in 1766. The town was originally served by the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad, or Tweetsie. The Tweetsie was abandoned in 1940, but eventually became NC 105.

There are six hundred and twenty-three people in Linville, NC. Of these, sixty-three percent of the people are male and thirty-nine percent are female. The average gender ratio for North Carolina is 48.6 to 51.4% and the U.S. average is 49.2% to 50.8%. This is a relatively low ratio. For more accurate demographics, check out Radaris.

Early Linville homes still belong to their original owners. Some of the first houses were built by pioneering families. The MacRae family, which included Hugh, was responsible for promoting textile mills and a guano plant. His son, Hugh, was overseeing the family's interest in mica mines in Burnsville. This took two days by horseback. In 1898, Robert Donovan Smith bought the Hemlock Cottage from the MacRae family. His daughter Celia, who is still alive, is the current owner of this historic home.