Irvona, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Isrvona City, Pennsylvania? Then you have come to the right place. We've put together some vital statistics for you to know about this Pennsylvania city. You can also check the median household income and poverty rates for this city. Read on to find out more! And don't forget to check out the official city website for more information.

Crime in Irvona City is lower than the national and state averages. Most crime occurs in retail areas. As a result, the crime rate per resident in these areas may be inflated. The red areas do not necessarily indicate a higher risk for residents. Crime is crime wherever people gather. It does not necessarily mean that the southern section of the city is safer than the rest. And while this might seem a bit alarming, you need to remember that crime happens wherever people gather.

The population of Irvona is around 500. It peaked in 2000 at 687 people. In terms of growth, the city is on track to become the 12805th largest city in the United States by 2022. But this growth isn't as rapid as many would think. In fact, it has declined by 20.5% since 2000! And yet, other similar-sized cities are growing much faster than Irvona, PA.