Ford City, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides the Population & Steets for Ford City, PA. The data is based on the 2020 American Community Survey and has been updated since that time. These statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate and complete. Please contact the city for more information. This article was created for informational purposes only. You can help us improve the data quality by reporting any inaccuracies or out-of-date information.

The median property value in Ford City, PA is $56,200. This is less than the national average of $65,712 per person. Ford City, PA has a homeownership rate of 62.2%, and the average commute time is 23.3 minutes. Most residents drive alone to work. Residents of Ford City own two cars, and the median home value is $56,200. The median property value in Ford City, PA is approximately $281 per capita.

The following maps show the streets in Ford City, Pennsylvania. All of these maps are courtesy of Google Maps and Google Photos. You can access these maps by referring to the URL address below. The city is located in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The population is 57,213 in 2011. The city is the home of two Catholic parishes, the Holy Spirit Parish and St. James Catholic Church.

The Reitler family came to Ford City in 1888 after working as a waterboy in Germany. Their son, John B. Ford, moved from the upper end of town to the middle of Fourth Ave. He eventually became the city's mayor. The Reitlers later moved to the town's southwest side. The Speer family also settled on Fourth Avenue. Their children, William Henry Stitt, and Joseph and Mary Ford, all worked in the plant in Ford City.