Princeville, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information on Population & Steets in Princevile City? The city is located in north-central Illinois, about 135 miles southwest of Chicago. In terms of climate, Princeville is considered to be temperate during the months of June, September, and August. The least comfortable months are December and January. You can also view the Population & Steets in Princeville City by visiting the city's official website.

The population of Princeville is not available in this city, but you can look up the town nearby on the internet. A list of cities that are 100 miles away from Princeville City, IL, can be found on a map. If you'd like to go exploring, this list will be useful. You can also find out what's in the area by searching the city's zip code.

In terms of racial makeup, Princeville is comprised of 114.9% whites, 0.6% blacks, and 9.8% Hispanics. Of course, the demographics of the town are important when determining your target audience. You can consider factors like the median household income, home ownership, and education to determine who your audience is. The median household income is $52,174 while the average household income is $84,021. Lastly, there are seventy-two percent of residents with high school education.

The population of Princeville City is a relatively small one. The town has about two thousand people. The median income is $51,618. Among the different demographics, the whites represent 69.5% of the population and the non-whites comprise a further 13.5%. The rest of the population consists of Hispanics, with 225 people. And if you're looking for basic information on Princeville, HI, you can look for it below.