Webster Groves, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the population and steets in Webster Groves, MO, keep reading. It will provide you with a snapshot of the city's demographics and economic outlook. The population is largely white, with a relatively high percentage of people in their 20s or early 40s. The city has a low percentage of single parents and a large percentage of single adults.

If you're moving to Webster Groves, Missouri, you'll need to find out which neighborhoods offer affordable real estate. While the area has a high percentage of renters, it is still affordable for most people. The median real estate price in the city is $296,800, or 77.4% higher than the national average. In Webster Groves, the median home price to income ratio is 2.9, compared to 76.6 nationally. If you're looking to buy a home, you can expect to pay about $1,079 per month. A family of four will need to earn around $81,992 to afford a median home.

Webster Groves has many attractions, including historical homes and a unique art offering. The city is home to several arts organizations, including the Opera Theatre of St. Louis, which has a world-class opera repertoire and often hosts special events throughout the year. It also features a live theater company, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, which is one of the largest in the area.