Yarmouth, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in YaRmouth City, ME? If so, read on. This article will give you the answers you are looking for. You can find out the median household income in Yarmouth City, ME, as well as other important facts and statistics. Listed below are the most common occupations in the city. For more information, check out the map below.

The population of Yarmouth is approximately 1,702 people. The city does not have a lively nightlife, but it has other desirable qualities. The city is home to expansive forests, fast-flowing rivers, and gentle lakes. Although the population is fairly homogeneous, there is a distinct community vibe here. Median household income is about $74,000, which is lower than most areas of Massachusetts.

There are three municipalities in Yarmouth County. The municipalities are equally divided. The town of Yarmouth has the highest population density, followed by the Municipality of Argyle. The population of Argyle is slightly lower. Both municipalities have a high rate of unemployment, so it's important to plan your move accordingly. Yarmouth is one of the lowest-income areas in Nova Scotia. It has a low labor force participation rate, which suggests that the population needs more housing.

Another reason for a large population in Yarmouth is the abundant natural resources in the area. The area is rich in natural resources, including hydrocarbons, metals, and more. As the population grows, other industries will take advantage of these resources and provide jobs. Recreation in the area is the lifeblood of Yarmouth City, and it is only beginning to be fully developed. In fact, this economic activity alone generates $600,000.