West Tremont, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining the population and steets of a city, you might want to consider the historical facts of the area. During the late 1800s, the parcels in West Tremont were some of the most affordable in the region. They were also close to places of employment, making them a good choice for working class families. Over time, the neighborhood transitioned from grand estates to working-class residential neighborhoods.

The median household income in West Tremont City, OH is $39,097, which is significantly lower than the national average. But money is not everything, and the median income for residents of ZIP code 04612 is significantly less than that of other parts of town. And while this is not a good indicator of the quality of life in this neighborhood, it does indicate that the area has a high level of economic diversity.

In this area, the majority of residents are White. The other two major racial and ethnic groups are Hispanic and Black. A median household income in Tremont City, OH is below the national average, but is higher than the average in neighboring cities. The city is also considered a middle-class community, with only 1.0% of residents living below the federal poverty line. But there's good news. Fortunately, many residents in the area are above this line, and there are plenty of ways for you to get started on your home improvement project.

As of 2009, the median property value in Tremont City, OH is $89,500, which is slightly lower than the national average. The homeownership rate in the area is 64.5%. The average commute time is 22.8 minutes. There are 345 residents in this neighborhood, and a median property value of $89,500. And, there are also many businesses and restaurants in the area.