West Poland, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are a visitor to West Poland City, then you should know about the population and steets of this town. Despite being one of the largest cities in Poland, it is the second least populous. Its population is approximately one million people. Most of the residents live in apartment buildings. In West Poland, half a million of them are illegal aliens. Most residents depend on public transportation to get around, but the increasing number of private cars has made traffic and parking problems worse.

Although Poland produces a considerable amount of minerals, coal, and salt, most of these resources are consumed by the country's population. While there are many industrial enterprises in the city, agriculture accounts for only five percent of the national economy. In fact, Polish farms lack the capital and manpower to compete with larger, more prosperous nations. In fact, the average Polish farm purchases only about one-fourth of the food consumed by a household. While Polish farm owners own the majority of their land, the vast majority of industrial enterprises are state-owned.

The climate of the city varies by region. The northern area has a temperate climate while the western region is a continental climate. In the north, rain is more likely to fall between April and September, while most of the city is influenced by the Baltic Sea. Despite the relatively mild climate, the country is affected by both climate change and immigration from CEE countries. So, what are the best ways to avoid crime in West Poland? Here are some ideas to keep in mind.