Waite, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the past, this small town was an important trade center for people moving to and from the area. Today, this community is a vibrant community, and the population is steadily increasing. There are many reasons why the area is thriving, but its most important attribute is the availability of employment opportunities. The city's tax base is diverse, with a high proportion of residential properties. This diversity is a result of a long history of commerce in the area.

As of 2011, there were more than 45,000 people living in the Waite Park area, and the median family income was $44,737. The average annual income of a male year-round worker in Waite Park was $33,344 and the average annual income for a female was $22,007, both lower than the township, county, and state average. In fact, Stearns County had the fourth highest percentage of individuals living below the poverty line, with more than 20% of residents living below the poverty level.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Waite Park is expected to grow by about 3% over the next decade. The average household size was 2.19 persons, down from 2.42 in 1990. The average household size in Waite City was 2.63 people in 2000. The same is true for Stearns County, where the median household size was 2.64 persons. Although the city's population is increasing, it is still far below the national average.