Vassalboro, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Vasaboro City, Maine? Here's some information you need to know! This information is vital for determining the population makeup of your community. The population of Vassalboro is made up of both males and females. The median age in Vassalboro is 50.0. Males in Vassalboro are generally smaller than females.

The city has a low crime rate and a lower population density. While there are no major crime crimes in the city, there are a few noisy groups. There are not many college students or families with young children. This makes the community quiet overall. However, because Vassalboro is a small town, there is no public transportation available, so if you're looking to get around town, you'll have to drive.

The population of Vassalboro is approximately 10,443. The city has 1 unified school district. This is lower than the state and national average. Fairfield is 3.8% larger than Vassalboro, which has a slightly lower population density. The largest unified school district in Maine is Fairfield. Vassalboro is also located in a rural area, so you can expect to see rural areas where the population density is higher.

In terms of racial composition, Vassalboro has an average of 1.5% foreign-born population. While the rest of the area has a higher rate, this is still below the national average of 13.5%. It is also important to note that residents of Vassalboro belong to a variety of ancestries, including Native Americans, English, and French. English is the most common language in Vassalboro, but other important languages include German, Italian, and Polish.