Stow, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is compiled for your convenience: Population & Steets in Stoe City, Ohio. This information can help you determine whether Stow is right for you. In Stow, the median rent is slightly higher than the national average. However, rent for an apartment with good amenities may still take a chunk out of your paycheck. This town has a 79 percent owner occupancy rate and a low vacancy rate of just four percent.

Stow City, Ohio is a medium-sized city with a population of 34,746. Its racial makeup is diverse and the majority of its residents report being White, Black, or Asian. Stow has a high percentage of people who are married and have children. Eighty-three percent of its population is married and sixty-three percent is a single parent. The city is bordered by Kent and Cuyahoga Falls on three sides.

Residents of Stow are well-educated. In addition, almost one-third of adults have a bachelor's degree or higher. Stow is well-represented in MAGIC with a high percentage of adults who have earned a college degree. This makes the city and its surrounding areas one of the most educationally prosperous cities in Massachusetts. You can expect to find a high school in Stow.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation rates Stow Route 62 as a "city accepted road." This means that the town does not need to join the National Highway System. However, it does qualify for federal funds through the Surface Transportation Program. In addition, the town has adopted the Community Preservation Act. This act was approved in 2001 and now the town's real estate tax bills reflect this commitment. Additionally, Stow has a high bond rating by Standard & Poor's and Moody's, which means that the town has a strong financial capacity to meet commitments.