Sangerville, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick look at the Population & Steets in SanGERVILLE City, Michigan. The city is located in Sanger County and has a total population of 1,285. This is slightly smaller than the state average, but it still has a large proportion of young people. The median home price in Sangerville is $117,800. In addition, over the last ten years, Sangerville has seen an appreciation of 5.0%.

The population of Sangerville is 64% married and has a lower than average percentage of never-married residents. The average household size is 2.8 people. The percentage of households with children is 14.2%, making this city the most family-friendly community in Maine. The median age is 32 years old, and the median household income is $59,500. The city has a low crime rate and a high school graduation rate.

The median house value is lower than the state average, but is much closer to the average than the national average. The black and Hispanic population percentage is below the state average. The percentage of foreign-born residents is lower than the national average, as are the average age of the population. The number of rooms in a house is below the state average, but it is much lower than the national average. The population percentage of those with a bachelor's degree is lower, but there are two airmen and 2 pilots.