Matherville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Matherville City? This article will tell you. You'll also learn why Matherville is one of the safest cities in the United States. Its crime rate is lower than the state and national average. Matherville has a low crime rate, including violent crimes, property crimes, and drug offenses. The number of crimes reported in Matherville is lower than the national average, and crime is largely the result of a lack of resources.

Matherville is a small city in northwest Illinois, straddling the border between Iowa and the Mississippi River. It is approximately one hundred and fifty miles west of Chicago. Matherville has a population of 723 as of the 2010 census. Its climate is typically mild and pleasant, with the coolest months being April and June. If you're looking for a warm, dry place to live, Matherville is not for you.

Crime rates are one of the most important indicators of a safe city. High crime rates can lead to citizens feeling unsafe and avoiding activities that might otherwise benefit the area. A city with a high crime rate can also drive away businesses, resulting in reduced tax revenue, increased unemployment, and increased insurance costs. If crime rates are high in Matherville, you may want to consider moving to a different city.

The median household income in Matherville is $44,233. Matherville residents are 73% white and twenty-one percent black. The unemployment rate is 3.2 percent. The city has a low poverty rate. However, the population is very diverse, with 19.2% of the population identifying as Hispanic. And, as a result, the average income is lower than the national average.