Loami, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Loami City, Illinois? If you do, then you've come to the right place. Listed below is a complete population and steets history for Loami City, Illinois. If you're looking for information about the city and its schools, you'll want to visit the schools' page. The school address and name are also included in the information section.

Loami's population is approximately 1,055 people. The population of the city is made up of both men and women. The average age of residents is thirty-one years. The median income is $68,730 per person. Loami is also home to several universities and colleges, which further boosts the local economy. And while it's hard to pinpoint the exact reason why the city is struggling financially, there are many ways that the local government can help residents.

The school district was never very large, and the "Illinois School Directory" for 1937-38 lists 32 students in the town's Grade-High school. The high school section of the combined Grade-High school closed in 1940, and the city's high school continued to operate without any affiliation with other districts. In 1948, the school district consolidated with New Berlin, and all Sangamon County schools held Grade 8 graduations at Springfield High School.