Indianola, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In terms of population and steets, Indianola is located in Warren County, Iowa. The city's median home value is $163,300. This is approximately 0.679 times smaller than the national median. In terms of homeownership, 65.9% of Indianola households were home owners in 2019, up from 65.5% in 2018. While this is a slightly higher rate than the national average, it still falls below that of neighboring and parent geographies.

The median commute time for workers in Indianola is 23 minutes. In comparison to other US cities, Indianola's commuters most commonly choose to drive to work. Public transportation is not used very extensively. There are a few people who walk to work, but only four percent. However, the number of people who walk is higher than the national average. The median household income in Indianola City is $62,040.

The racial makeup of Indianola is comprised of ninety percent white residents. There are also a few people of other races. The highest paid industries in Indianola are Education, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. The lowest paid jobs in Indianola are in Public Administration, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Other. Despite these disparities, Indianola is an attractive place to live and work.

According to the American Community Survey (ACS), Indianola's population is expected to reach eighty-seven thousand people by 2020. Compared to other cities in Mississippi, Indianola is the 34th-largest city in the United States. The city has a square mile area of nine miles. A typical family in Indianola makes $13,500. If you're looking for a place to raise a family, Indianola may not be the right place for you.