Hinsdale, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A short overview of the city's demographics is included in the following article. Hinsdale is located in northeastern Illinois, along Lake Michigan. Generally, the city receives pleasant temperatures from June to September, while January is the coldest month. There are many things to do in Hinsdale, including visiting the local farmers market and exploring the beautiful park. The population of Hinsdale is about 61,357, making it one of the largest cities in the state.

The City of Hinsdale's demographics reveal a diversity of ethnic groups. The percentage of Hispanic/Latino residents falls within the lower quartile, while that of Native Americans is higher. Native Americans and Hawaiians are the highest percentage of residents living below the poverty line, with an additional 3.3 percent. However, Hinsdale's Black population is the largest among all the cities in the region, compared to Oak Brook, Westmont, and Chicago.

The Zip Code of Hinsdale is 60521. Its official USPS name is HINSDALE, IL. Hinsdale is located in the DuPage and Cook counties, and its boundaries include Burr Ridge, Oak Brook, and Clarendon Hills. The area has a population of approximately 42,000 people, which is considered to be Upper Middle Class. Among the other amenities of Hinsdale, you'll find an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, and many small and medium businesses.

In addition to its location, the City of Hinsdale, IL also offers demographic data that can be useful for employment and retirement-related research. Using demographic data, you can determine which areas of Hinsdale contain a high percentage of retirees. The data also reveals which areas have the highest proportion of people between 60 and 69 years of age. For employment-related research, Hinsdale's population statistics are particularly useful because they indicate a high percentage of retirees and high percentages of people in their fifties.