St Augustine, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the demographics of St. Augustine City, Florida, you might be interested in knowing the population and steets of the city. This city is home to many interesting historical facts. To learn more about the city, read this article. This article also provides a brief history of St. Augustine and the Minorcans that settled in the area. Minorcans are settlers from the western Mediterranean island of Minorca. They changed the ethnic composition of the city.

The historic center of St. Augustine was once a Spanish military outpost and fledgling European settlement. Today, it is home to a vibrant arts and music scene. The city has a colorful history, having been a refuge for privateers, innovators, and royalty. The population of the city is currently estimated to be around 55,000 people. It is one of the largest cities in Florida.

The city has a relatively low crime rate compared to other places in the US. According to the 2010 census, St. Augustine had a population of 16,518. The median age in St. Augustine is 37 years old, and the average person has two children. The city is also in the 38th percentile when it comes to safety compared to other cities in the United States.

The historic center of the city is home to over 400 years of Spanish history. The Spanish government would use St. Augustine as a winter retreat for its upper class. In the 16th century, the city would remain the seat of Spanish power in Florida. In the 18th century, St. Augustine would be a center of Spanish power. The city's Spanish heritage and architecture is visible throughout the city.