Rockledge, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the population & steets of Rockledge City, Florida? You're not alone! It's an interesting question that sparked much discussion. While there is no hard and fast rule about the population of a city, here's a rough estimate of the city's current population. As of the 2010 census, there were around 3,000 residents living in Rockledge City. That's about twenty percent of the city's total population.

The population of the city is composed of whites and non-Hispanic groups. The area is about 51% white. This means that the percentage of non-Hispanic individuals living in Rockledge is low, but the ratio of Hispanic residents to whites is high. Approximately one in three residents of the city are non-Hispanic, and the remainder are Hispanic. The percentage of non-Hispanic households in Rockledge City falls below the poverty line.

The percentage of residents with a college degree is high in the city. Forty-one percent of people aged 25 and older hold a college degree or higher, with eight percent holding a Master's or Doctorate degree. While citrus groves are nominal, there are many that produce souvenirs for the tourist trade. The per capita income in Rockledge City is approximately $20,700, which is significantly higher than the state's average. Seventy-six percent of the adult population is highly educated, which may be a good indicator of your target audience.

While there is a significant unmarried population in Rockledge, it is still well below the national average. In fact, it's even worse than other places in the metro area. Only one out of every two residents in Rockledge is married, which makes it a particularly unsuitable place to raise a family. The unmarried population of the city is 16.7% higher than the rate in Merrittt Island.