Okahumpka, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the population and steets of Okahumpka City? Well, the population is just as important as the steets. Okahumpka City is located in Florida. According to the Census, there are more white residents than black ones. The area has a relatively low number of people in general, which may make it seem safe to some. However, the crime rate in the city is actually higher than one might think, because the crime rate tends to be higher in residential areas, such as those near parks and recreation centers.

The population of Okahumpka is divided into three categories: blue-collar jobs, white-collar jobs, and service industries. Of these, 33% work in the service sector, while 30% hold blue-collar jobs. In Okahumpka, the population of college students is around the state average. The city's median household income is close to the U.S. average, but it is still below the national average.

There are many types of housing in Okahumpka. One type of housing is a house or apartment, which can be a mobile home or a room. The percentage of renter-occupied housing units was 39.4% in 2010; it decreased to 39.4% in 2016. The neighboring cities have higher and lower renter-occupied housing unit percentages than Okahumpka.