Murdock, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in MurDock City? Then you have come to the right place! We have compiled the most accurate data available for Murdock City, MN to make your decision easier! Keep reading to discover more about the town's population and its overall demographics. In the meantime, you can browse our list of nearby cities to learn more about the surrounding area.

The majority of people who live in Murdock City come from various countries and cultures. Although the neighborhood is largely comprised of Americans, the area's residents are primarily of Caribbean and English heritage. The neighborhood's ethnicity is diverse, with 16.1% of residents having Jamaican and Haitian ancestry. The number of residents who speak French is also relatively high, at 7.2%.

The City of Murdock is located in Swift County, Minnesota. Its population was 263 at the 2010 census. It has decreased by 12.9% since then. Today, it's the 15th-largest city in the US. Currently, the median home price in Murdock is $90,400. However, this figure is estimated. The city's population may grow by up to 40% by 2050.

Located in the middle of Murdock City, Minnesota, the Gabriel House assisted living facility is situated on a spacious lot bordered by trees and an agriculture field. The location provides a rural feel, with fresh air and country sounds. The spacious yard is conducive to relaxing in the flower garden or bird watching. You may even spot a deer browsing the treeline. Its vacancy rate is much lower than that of other Queens neighborhoods.