Villa Park, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Villa Park City, California, is 5,812 as of the 2010 census. By 2020, this is expected to increase to 5,801 people. This city is located in the northern part of Orange County and was incorporated in 1962. The city has about 2,000 homes, and land is almost entirely built out. Home lots are on average about 20,000 square feet and 1/2 acre. There are few commercial properties in the city.

The median age of residents of Villa Park is 37.7. Among native-born residents, the average age is 35, while those of foreign-born citizens is 42. While the city's population is aging, it is also getting younger. The median age of all residents in Villa Park, IL was 38 in 2018. In 2019, the most common foreign-born country was Mexico. Of these people, 644,788 were from Illinois. Another significant foreign-born country is India, with 156,084 citizens living in the city.

While the city was incorporated in 1962, it was known in its early days as Mountain View. This town near San Jose, California, was named for a nearby mountain. The early settlers focused on agriculture, which was also the city's primary source of revenue for about 60 years. Citrus ranching families were instrumental in shaping the town and organized the city's incorporation. These farmers also influenced zoning practices and even established the Serrano Water District and the Villa Park Orchard's Association.