Valley Home, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're looking for information on the Population & Steets in Valley Photo City, or want to find out more about this small town, you've come to the right place. Listed below are some important facts about Valley Home. First of all, the city has a population of approximately 290 people. As far as economic indicators go, the Valley has a high rate of poverty, but there are still many good things about this area.

A quick glance at the population of Valley Home City, OH will give you an idea of what you should know about the area. The city has a population of approximately 15,335 residents, and there are approximately 2.5 persons per household. Most residents live in single-family homes. About 10% of Valley Home City residents live in apartments. This area has a high percentage of older residents. It is a very safe community.

The median household income in Valley City is $28,050. This number includes both men and women, and is 8% higher than the state's overall median income. The per capita income of Valley City is $17,257. The area's average racial makeup translates into a high percentage of people living in poverty. The Valley City Times-Record is the local paper, which has a circulation of approximately 2,800. The Valley City Public School District includes Jefferson Elementary School, Washington Elementary School, and Valley City Junior/Senior High School. The city is also home to St. Catherine's Catholic School, which serves grades K-6.

The city was incorporated as a statutory city on January 1, 1974. The population of Valley Home City is approximately 6,575 as of the 2020 census. It is the 12th-largest city in North Dakota and is famous for its many bridges over the Sheyenne River. The city is also home to the Valley City State University and the North Dakota High School Activities Association. This area is considered a safe and friendly community, with a low crime rate.