Sunset Beach, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Sunset Beach city profile shows the population and other statistics of the area. This includes how many people live in the city, how many commute to work each day by car, and how many take a cab to get to work. The demographic data is based on the latest US Census Bureau data from 2019, and should be considered unreliable. We recommend using the most recent data available to determine the population of any location.

The violent crime map in Sunset Beach shows the amount of violent crimes per 1,000 people. The central part of the city has higher violent crime, and the rate of crime in these areas is about 1 crime a year. In contrast, crime rates are lower in the northern part of Sunset Beach. A map of the city's violent crime rates will show you which areas are most dangerous for residents. Vivint has free quotes for homeowners and business owners who are interested in getting a home security system.

The Town of Sunset Beach is a small, seaside city in the state of North Carolina. Its population was 3,572 at the 2010 Census, up from 1,824 in 2000. It is part of the larger Myrtle Beach metropolitan area. The population density in Sunset Beach is low compared to other coastal communities. But it does still represent a surprisingly high percentage of the state's total population.