Wapiti, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a summary of the population and steets of Wapiti City, Wyoming. These statistics are based on the racial makeup of the city, as self-identified by residents. The darker the color, the bigger the racial majority. The map also shows diversity scores. This is useful information for those interested in moving to Wapiti City or deciding if you want to make this area your permanent home.

In Wapiti City, one such example is the political scene. In the recent election, local officials have been vocal in support of the LGBT community, with a few community businesses joining in. Throughout the town, pro-LGBTQ Facebook pages are widespread. The community's Facebook page, with pages like Wapiti Whisper and Cody Chit Chat, has been a hotbed for political discussion.

The population is mostly white and middle-aged. There are very few children under the age of 18. The percentage of people with college degrees is also very high. It is important to note that the area has a high vacancy rate. The median income per household is $33,368. If you want to move to Wapiti City, Wyoming, be prepared to pay higher taxes and live in a beautiful city.

A popular winter activity in Wapiti is cross-country skiing. The town is home to one of the finest cross-country ski facilities in Canada, the Wapiti Nordic Ski Club. The club has 35 km of trails, 22 miles of nighttime lights, and is dog-friendly. In addition to skiing, the town also offers hiking, mountain biking, and running trails. Its climate makes it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and those who are fond of the great outdoors.