Lusk, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a visit to Lusk City, Wyoming, you should know the population and steets statistics. You'll find that this Wyoming town is quite spread out with about twenty-four percent of the population being under the age of eighteen, seven percent being 18-24, and twenty-four percent being between the ages of 25 and forty-four. The median age is 42 years. The male population outnumbers the female population, 82.5 males to a hundred.

The median household income in Lusk City is $17,991, which is a low number in comparison to other Wyoming cities and states, but still represents a comfortable living for a family of four. However, this town is also a mixed community with people of both rich and poor. The town has a mixed population, with Native Americans and White residents. The median home price in Lusk is $142,500, making it one of the most affordable towns in the state.

The Lusk, WY ZIP code is mostly made up of white residents, with a high proportion of middle-aged adults. There is a very low percentage of children, which indicates that the city is a good place to raise a family. Moreover, Lusk is a good place to live if you are a student. There are various educational institutions in the city. You can also find a number of correctional facilities nearby.