Baggs, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Baggs, WY is 157 people. The city serves as a supply point for a large portion of the region. A large percentage of the city's workforce commutes by car. This city has a higher homeownership rate than many other areas of Wyoming. Nearly 76% of households own their homes.

The most common occupations in Baggs are Construction, Mining, Quarrying, and Oil & Gas Extraction. Approximately 40% of the population works in these industries. The median age of all residents of Baggs, WY is 34.7 years. The most common race or ethnic group among Baggs residents is white.

The median annual income of a Baggs resident is $58,750. This is higher than the national average. There are 8.7% of residents living in poverty. The median annual income in Baggs, WY is $58,750. This represents an increase of 12% over the previous year. In Baggs, WY, there are 243 people who are employed in at least one industry. The largest employers are Transportation & Warehousing, Construction, and Oil & Gas Extraction.

Baggs is a small town in Carbon County, Wyoming. It is located on the Little Snake River and is about three miles from the Colorado border. The city is served by the Union Pacific Railroad, with daily stages connecting the town to Wamsutter, Wyoming. The town is the center of a large stock raising and agricultural district. The town is home to a bank that opened in 1908. The town is located near coal deposits, but the lack of transportation has prevented the town from developing these deposits. The surrounding timber is abundant and several sawmills are in operation.