Wyocena, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to buy a house in Wyocena City, Wisconsin, you can find the population and steets information you need to make the right choice. The population of Wyocena is 768 people. The town has several businesses that provide employment to the locals. One of these businesses is Grande Cheese. Another major business is the Columbia County Care Facility.

Founded on Duck Creek, Wyocena is a rural community that began as a small trading center for the area. It was then home to merchants, blacksmiths, and grist mill operators. Today, the small town is a vital part of the surrounding area, supporting local farmers and commuters. Three early buildings still grace the main street. The community has a median house value of $167,900. Males live in the city, with the median age of 42.8 years.

The population of Wyocena, Wisconsin is 722 White. This includes 37 people who are White (Hispanic) and 18 people who are Two+ and Non-Hispanic. The city's median property value is $161,200, which is lower than the national average of $240,500. Residents in the city own a median of 2 cars. There are approximately 5.2 people per household.

In addition, the median income of the Wyocena, WI population is $49,130 for males and $51,560 for females. The income gap between males and females is 0.447 percent. The median age of the population in Wyocena, WI is much lower than the national average. There are three primary job groups in Wyocena, WI: Manufacturing, Office & Administrative Support, and Retail Trade.