West Allis, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article we will discuss the Population & Steets of West Allis City. This information is useful for locating and buying property in this Wisconsin city. Detailed information about the city is also available. Interested in learning more? Contact the city hall for more information. This article covers the population, steets, and other vital statistics for West Allis, WI. It will give you a better idea of the city's demographics and how many residents live in it.

This Wisconsin city sits against the western edge of the City of Milwaukee. According to the 2010 census, the city had a population of 60,411. This makes it the eleventh-most populous municipality in Wisconsin. In a four-county metropolitan area, West Allis is the third-largest municipality. The population is composed of both individuals and households. This area is home to many educational institutions and healthcare facilities.

This Wisconsin city has an average per capita income. Compared to other nearby cities, West Allis has a lower per capita income than Janesville and Eau Claire, but is similar to Racine and Oshkosh. While it falls below the state average, it beats Janesville and is only $1,000 below the city's average. Its quality of life and crime rate are also comparable.

The population of West Allis is comprised of both working age and retired. Its elderly population is significantly higher than the overall age of southeastern Wisconsin. In 1990, 18 percent of West Allis residents were 65 years old or older, compared to thirteen percent for the entire area. This means that the elderly population in West Allis is expected to be larger than the national average. And the city is home to many veterans, with nearly 7% of its civilian population claiming to be veterans.