Wabeno, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Wabeno City is approximately 51% families. This city is the second-smallest in the greater Wabeno area, after Laona. This data will help you determine if Wabeno is an affordable place to live. Located at an elevation of 3,412 feet, Wabeno is located in an area of Wisconsin. It is home to about 5,000 people.

The city of Wabeno is located in Forest County, Wisconsin. It is a census-designated place, with a population of 1,166 people. It includes the unincorporated communities of Carter, Padus, and Soperton. The population of Wabeno is estimated to grow by 3.0% over the next ten years. It has a median home value of $102,296 and an average household size of 2.42. The city is located within Wisconsin's 7th congressional district.

The number of unwed mothers in Wabeno is high - 88.6%, which is the highest in the area. However, it is important to note that this percentage does not reflect the city's racial makeup. The majority of people live in poverty. The median gross rent in Wabeno City is $423 a month. This indicates that the town has a high rate of unwed motherhood compared to other nearby towns and cities.

In 1920, the town of Wabeno had two public schools - the Washington School located downtown, and the Lincoln School located in nearby Soperton. The schools, which were built in 1916, served the rural population. The town had its own jail and fire department. In addition, the Grand Plank Hotel was a mainstay establishment for the community. At the same time, there were also several other establishments - including the Alburcan Dry Goods store and the Wabeno Drug Store.