Tripoli, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How to Compare Tripoli's Population & Steets with Other Cities in Libya? Let's start by identifying the different classes of people living in the city. What's more, the differences between the classes in Tripoli are not the same as those in other cities. In addition, Tripoli's population is mainly made up of foreigners. In other words, Tripoli's population is not only made up of Muslims but also includes Africans, Asians and Europeans. This mix of nationalities creates urban problems that arise from cultural conflicts between old and new. The religious influence is still deeply "rooted" in the society and encourages strong ties between neighbours.

The quality of life in Tripoli differs significantly from other European cities. In fact, more than a third of the sample was not applicable to Tripoli. This could be attributed to the high level of unemployment in the city. The overall quality of life in Tripoli is far lower than that of other European cities. In addition, over a third of the sample group did not fit into any of the categories.

The average age of the people living in Tripoli City was 40.4 years, with 8% being under the age of 18. The rest of the population belonged to the age range of 38-83. While Tripoli is a young city, it still exhibits characteristics of an Islamic society. For example, the number of children per household is high, and many households had more than one child. This indicates that the population of the city hasn't yet fully urbanized.