Trempealeau, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Tremphealeau City? Find out more by visiting our detailed population and steets report. You'll also learn how many people live in this city and what they do for a living. In fact, we have compiled a full profile of this town for you to see just how diverse this area is.

How much does the average person make in Trempealeau? It's $30,328 - a middle-income city when compared to the rest of Wisconsin and the US. A family of four could earn up to $121,312 a year. The city is made up of a wide range of ethnic groups. The majority of residents are White and Asian. However, a few residents are of African and Hispanic descent.

One interesting statistic about the population of this town is the rent burden. This measure tells us how much of a household's income is spent on rental housing. The rent burden in Trempealeau is less than the state average of 28.9%, and the percentage of renters is significantly higher than the national average (58.6%). This fact may explain why many would-be settlers moved on to other towns.

A quick look at the demographics of Trempealeau town-WI will show the following: The percentage of foreign born residents is 3.7%. That's one of the lowest percentages in the entire state of Wisconsin and the United States. The population density is slightly higher in nearby towns, like Winona, which has a population of 26,772! Consider this when making your next move!