Strum, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Strum City, Wisconsin, is located in the state of Wisconsin. The population is mainly Hispanic, with about 4.4% of the total population being Hispanic. Hispanics may belong to any race, but in Strum City, they are more prevalent than any other race. As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 3,038. This number is projected to increase, but for now, it is considered low.

You can find out how many people live in Strum, WI, by checking out the nearby cities. There are some big cities within 79 miles of the city center, as well as small towns. You can use this information to plan your trip to a nearby town. If you plan on visiting Strum, WI, you can search for nearby cities to get a feel for the area. This way, you'll be able to decide whether or not to spend your vacation in Strum.

The city of Strum, WI is located in Trempealeau County. The current population estimate for the city is 1,087. The area's median house value is $141,400. The median rental rate is $675 per month. The median age for residents in Strum is 37.9 years old, with a male population of 39.3 years old. The city also has schools and libraries for students.