Shullsburg, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most comfortable months to live in Shullsburg are September, June and August. The coldest month is January. The city has a population of 1,192 and an increase of 0.1% since the last census. A median home value of $110,300 is found in the city. Listed below are some of the top reasons to move to Shullsburg. For more information, please visit the City of Shullsburg website.

The zip code for Shullsburg is 53586. It is located in Lafayette County. The city is officially called Shullsburg, WI. This zip code has a 608 area code and is part of the Lafayette County metropolitan area. The population of Shullsburg is 0.02% smaller than the state's average. The city is located 980 feet above sea level, which makes it the 719th most populous community in Wisconsin.

The median age of residents in Shullsburg, WI is 40.3 years old. In 2018, the median age was 43 years old. Of the foreign-born population, 18.5% were under the age of 15. The most common racial or ethnic groups in Shullsburg, WI are White (Non-Hispanic) (91.9%), Native-born (8.4%), and Two or More Races (0.04%).