Shorewood, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will explore the population and steets of Shorewood City. Shorewood is a northeastern Illinois city on Lake Michigan. Its climate is pleasant during the summer and cold during the winter. It has a small and diverse population, with over 3,673 houses built in 1939 or earlier. The school district is comprised of two elementary schools: St. Robert School, a private Catholic school that serves K4 through eighth grade. There are also several churches, including St. Robert Catholic Church.

The population is primarily composed of young professionals, who make up a higher percentage of the city's population than people living elsewhere. The average age of Shorewood residents is 38. Many residents attend the public school system in Madison, Middleton, and Maple Bluff. The population of this community is diverse, with 3.46% of residents being Asian. A public school system provides education to about 27,000 children.

The population of Shorewood includes people from all over the world. The largest percentage of people in Shorewood were born in Asia and Africa. The smallest percentage of citizens were born in the United States. Other areas in the area are less diverse than Shorewood, with a small Asian population. If you are curious about the demographics of the city, here is a brief overview. This information is important to your research.

The racial makeup of Shorewood reflects the city's poverty level. The majority of the residents of Shorewood, MN are white. Hispanics and Asians are the other two races. Those with a higher income are more likely to be middle class and are considered to be above average in terms of earnings. While the majority of people live below the poverty level, there is still a high percentage who live below the threshold.