Porterfield, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population and steets in Porterfield City, Wisconsin? Then, you've come to the right place! Porterfield City has a population of 11,568 people, making it the ninth largest city in Wisconsin. The average per capita income is $35,013, making it high-end compared to other cities in the state and nation. A family of four can expect to earn $140,052 per year. The area is home to several wealthy individuals. The area is also made up of various ethnic groups, with a majority of residents reporting their race as White, Native American, or German.

There are also some areas of Porterfield that are less safe than others. While the city has a low crime rate, it is not necessarily safe. Vehicle theft crimes in Porterfield are more common in the southwest than in the east and northwest. Nevertheless, the city has a similar crime rate to other cities in Wisconsin and the nation. Moreover, crime rates in Porterfield are lower than the national average and the state average.