Phlox, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Phrox City is located in Langlade County, Wisconsin. This historic village is platted in street and block format. Although it is not incorporated, it is home to an historic post office that operated from 1880 until 1963. In 1876, the area was mostly forest land and the population was relatively small. In an effort to open up the area, the government granted free homesteads to hardy souls.

The Phlox / Bryant neighborhood is considered one of the most rural neighborhoods in the United States. Its residents are mostly German, Polish, Irish, English, and Norwegian. In addition, the population of the Phlox / Bryant neighborhood is among the least densely-populated neighborhoods in America.

Phlox City's population is comprised of over 2,900 households. About 45 percent of households had children under age eighteen. Most households were headed by married couples. The remainder were headed by a single person. In Phlox / Bryant, 10.1% of children (17 and under) lived below the federal poverty line. The number of foreign-born residents is 6.2%.

The town of Phlox is located in the Naljo region. It is home to several businesses, including a modern creamery and cheese factory, a Farmers' State bank, and a large planing and saw mill run by Red River Mfg. Co. Other businesses in Phlox include the A.F. Schultz Creamery Company, a popular place to visit, and a modern auto livery.