Neosho, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the population and stats of Neosho, Missouri, you've come to the right place. We have compiled the latest information for you to learn about the city's demographics. Neosho has about 2,800 residents, which is smaller than the state average. The median property value is $93,300, and it has grown by 1.63% from last year. The median homeownership rate is 54.8%, which is lower than the national average. The average commute time is 16.5" and many people drive alone. The median car ownership rate is the same as the national average with two cars per household.

The city has a high birth rate. The birth rate is also high, with 63% of people living in households with a parent. The lowest birth rate in Neosho is among teenagers, while the highest rate of unwed births is amongst women. The median age is 33 years old, and the median household income is about $23,730. Neosho has a high unwed mother birth rate, with 28%.

Neosho's population grew from 500 in 1870 to 2,725 by 1900. Neosho's brick commercial buildings centered around the central courthouse square held a variety of private businesses, including lumber yards, livery stables, and general stores. The city also had its first courthouse and county jail in 1888. In 1889, the city was named a National Historic District.