Merrill, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are several important demographic statistics about the population and the steets of Merrill City, WI. For example, it's worth knowing the percentage of foreign-born and native-born residents. These two variables indicate the age distribution of a community, and the median age of a Merrill resident was 42.5 years in 2019. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents came from Mexico, India, China, and the United States, while the lowest percentage of foreign-born residents was found in Wisconsin.

The town of Merrill, WI is located in the state of Wisconsin, and is 92 miles from Green Bay and Madison. The nearest major cities are Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Chicago, and smaller towns are only a few miles away. This means that commute times are less than 30 minutes for most residents. The median home price in Merrill is $124,000, and the appreciation rate over the past decade is 5.4%.

The city has a long history of logging, sawmilling, and woodworking. It continues to have a variety of businesses in the window and door industry. The economy of the city has grown with the addition of industry, and the population of steets in Merrill continues to grow and flourish. Despite the difficulties and challenges that come with growth, however, residents are grateful for the progress that has been made.

The median household size in Merrill is 2.8, and it is much smaller than that of Tomahawk, which has an average family size of 3.4. This makes Merrill an attractive place to raise a family, as well as a place for an urban adult to live. It's also an area that's home to a high number of singles. It has the lowest percentage of unwed births, and has a higher proportion of single mothers, with only 7% of the population living with their mother.