Manitowoc, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the Population & Steets of Manitowoc City, Wisconsin, you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find a breakdown of the city's population and its average age. In addition, you'll find information about the city's income, unemployment, and black race population. All these factors can affect your decision on whether or not to move to Manitowoc.

The city has a moderately-sized population of 33,183 residents. Ninety-one percent of residents are White, which makes it a less diverse city than some others. The city has a high percentage of married residents and people with children, with 78.3% of people in the city identifying as married. Overall, the city is home to nearly 70 percent of households with a high school education.

The Manitowoc Company, which started out in the city, is now headquartered in Milwaukee. This diversified manufacturer is home to several new retail and manufacturing facilities. It recently purchased Grove Crane, which moved its operations to Shady Grove, Pennsylvania. Lakeside Foods and Bio-Blend Fuels are also based in Manitowoc, and the Burger Boat Company produces two to three yachts every year. Additionally, the city is home to Orion Energy Systems, which specializes in energy-efficient lighting.

The City of Manitowoc's Downtown Master Plan, approved in December 2018, includes planting 150 trees. These trees are expected to grow 20-30 feet tall. They are planted along the lakefront coal pile. Additionally, the Community Development Department purchased 30 new trees in 2021, which will be planted in grates with tree guards. These new trees will not only improve streetscape, but also provide additional bird habitat.