Kewaunee, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following article will give you an overview of Kewaunee City's population and steets. Kewaunee is located in Wisconsin's Kewaunee County and has a population density of 267 people per square mile. There are 2,848 residents in Kewaunee, with a median age of 39.9 years and an average household income of $689.

The median age of residents in Kewaunee City was 45.8, with 18.8% of the population being under the age of 18. Twenty-five percent of households were made up of married couples, and another 7.7% were made up of a female householder living alone without her husband or wife. The remainder of households were non-families, with 36.5% comprised of single people. Only 16.6% of households were headed by senior citizens.

If you want to run for office in Kewaunee City, you can learn more about the candidates. The district 4 seat is currently held by Byron Severance, while Amy Severance is running against him. Kewaunee City is part of the Green Bay-Shawano, WI Combined Metropolitan Statistical Area. You can check out the election results by going to the WDOR website.

Listed below are Kewaunee, WI candidates. Select a candidate to learn more about their positions. Click on the name to see more information on them. Currently, there are 431 residents in Kewaunee City. The city has one supervisor. A Democrat will hold two of the four seats in the district. The remaining two seats are held by Republicans. And if you'd like to become a local politician, you can run for a local office.