Iola, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Iola, Kansas, is one of the smallest cities in the state. In 1865, it became the county seat of Allen County. It gradually improved until 1870, when it was incorporated as a city. Then, local misfortunes slowed the growth of the town for nearly 25 years. Then, in 1895, the town discovered natural gas, which spurred a rapid growth in its population. Within nine years, the population grew from 1,567 to over 11,000!

The city is populated with 89% white residents and 0.1% black or Hispanic people. About 1.5% of Iola residents are Hispanic. The median household income in Iola is $47,776, and the average household income is $56,624 per year. The unemployment rate in Iola is 2.3%, and the city's education level is very high. The median age of the residents is 22 years old.

In the 2010 census, there were 25,202 households in Iola City. Of these, 16.2% of households had children under the age of 18 living with them. Twenty-four percent of households were headed by married couples, while 2% were headed by a woman without a husband. The remainder of the population lived in non-family homes, and 55.6% of the households were not occupied by families. There were also 6.1% of senior citizens who lived alone in their home. The median household size was 2.23 people per household and a family of two.

The population of Iola City is the result of the merger of Cofachique and Iola. The town of Cofachique and Iola was merged to form a new county seat, and most of its residents left the town. The new residents worked together to secure the new location. This is the reason why Iola is a city in the state. In 1858, it was named Iola after the wife of Josiah F. Colborn.