Hillpoint, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the population and steets of Hillpoint City, Wisconsin, you've come to the right place. You can learn the basic statistics about Hillpoint's population and neighboring cities below. The center of each town is within 68 miles. There are big cities and small towns within the area that you can visit. Find out which ones are closest to Hill Point, WI, and what their population is like.

The ZIP code for Hillpoint, Wisconsin, is 53937. It contains the city name, State, County, and population. The city name, or ZIP code, is D (Default). Unlike other cities, Hillpoint only has one default name - "D".

Using the latest census data from the United States, the population of Hillpoint is 25,878. About 43% of the people live in households with children. The majority of households were made up of married couples, although 16.8% were headed by a woman without a husband. Twenty-two percent were non-families. There were also 8.1% of senior citizens living alone. The average household size is 2.69.